Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Elective - E-Commerce - Does Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) help in situations like these

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Elective -  E-Commerce

With a host of successful online merchants driving the category, web-only is still poised for extraordinary growth in the years to come. But in the current economic climate, only the stronger contenders, namely those who understand their customers’ changing needs, will continue to thrive. Consumers now increasingly call for providers and products they can trust. They favor established goods, look for tangible deals and incentives, and spend more time on online research and purchase decisions than ever before. The challenge for web-only merchants will be to adapt to these changing needs.
Leveraging your insights into online consumer behavior, design and technology, how will you make sure your web-only presence inspires trust, streamlines customer decision processes, and ensures long term user loyalty to build a business that is tailored to current requirements, yet easily adaptable to dynamically changing conditions?
Elective – Training & Development
Attracting the right candidates to apply for a job can be an expensive process. It is even more expensive when done badly because when unsuitable candidates apply for a job, then the post may need to be re-advertised. Write a detailed case study to overcome the problem.

Elective- Industrial Relations Management 

Mr. A is a habitual absentee and remains absent without any intimation and proper sanction of leave. His absentee records show that he remained absent from his duties without proper sanction of leave for 96 days during the last one year. He was advised number of times to improve his attendance but despite verbal advises and assurance given to him, he has not shown any improvement in his attendance. Habitual absence on the part of an employee is major misconduct under Standing orders of the Company. As an IRO officer of the company you have to issue him a charge-sheet for ‘Habitual Absence.’ Please draft the charge sheet to be issued to the concerned employee.

Elective – Healthcare & Hospital Management

Running a healthcare plan for thousands of employees requires competent administration, excellence in case management, and a solid network of doctors, hospitals and health providers. When your company doesn’t have an adequate medical program in place, costs can escalate along with increased employee sick time and lowered productivity. Through case study illustrate how International centralized oversight, management and reporting for a client’s healthcare management program will bring in considerable efficiencies.

Production Management

The GM (Works) has problems with manufacturing budgets, meeting cost reduction targets, and dealing with new products manufacturing schedules. When an in depth interview (non-directive type) was conducted between the GM (Works) and the Chairman of the Company, the GM (Works) explained that many things are happening in the Company about which he is ignorant, particularly the preparation, new product integration, etc. He agrees to the view that the Company is interested in high-growth and high-profit, but he has never been given an opportunity to review his own scheme of things and explain to the top management. The production culture of the company has never been assessed whereas the stringent rules are being directed by the finance and personnel departments. And sometimes, show cause notices are being served to supervisors and senior employees. The Company is introducing new products without assessing the capability of the manufacturing system and the resources.

(a)        Under the above situation, if you are asked to work as a consultant to show   the perspectives to the Board of Management, what action plans would you suggest?

(b)        Does Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) help in situations like these?

Elective – Organizational Behavior

Discuss communication (channels, barriers, etc.) and leadership (behavioral perspective, contingency perspective, etc.) and how the leader’s lack of understanding of these subjects lead to negative outcomes in an organizations .Attempt at a cultural change and re-engineering.

Elective -  BPO Management:

It is apparent that emerging technologies and economic activity continue to change the face of BPO. Business process outsourcing manages to drive a range of efficiencies in a number of different types of organizations.  A wide variety of organizations will continue to benefit from BPO in these austere times which can also support a collaborative approach to contract negotiations. Write on a success story of any BPO company.

  What practical techniques you will adopt for researching customer service activities for home appliances?
If you are owner of a jewelry shop, what sales contest will you undertake for selling your product offering incentives in the form of prices or awards or campaign for contest prizes such as cash awards, merchandise prizes, travel or privilege awards?
How probable consequences of a protracted price war can be avoided? Give examples of two industries making bath soaps. What consequences you foresee if such price wars are not avoided on time?   
What practical techniques you will adopt for researching customer service activities for home appliances?  
What makes you unique by positioning advantage if you are concerned with a business of selling gift articles?
How will you manage operations processes of your firm by introducing robots in place of human and then achieving customer demands with less financial burden?
If you intend to ship perishable items for export, what will be your packing and labeling procedures for your shipment? Highlight your answer regarding loading and unloading dock, how and when payments will be made inclusive of all shipping procedures?
Organizational Leadership and Supervision is a highly individualized, practical and people oriented approach to practice of supervision. If you are a business man of a dealing in leather products, what will be your supervision strategy to increase sales of your product in the market?
As an Advertisement Manager of a National Daily, how will you plan your advertising inclusive of the budget and marketing programme to compete with other dailies to emerge successful? (Take an example of any daily of your choice).
Customers want efficient, accurate responses to their enquiries. How can you or will you provide them with the high quality service that they expect, as well as your need to control costs at the same time. How are you going to provide your sales and customer service staff with the right customer information, in the right place, at the right time? (Take an example of any Telecom Service provider to substantiate your answer).
Retail management : As a retail manager how will you achieve business by decision making focused on price offer and demand pressure from customers on availability of the product? Examine the strategy you will adapt on retail chain business. (BigBazar)
Logistics & Supply chain Management How will you choose a location as a bet on your future of your business, anticipating where future customers will be located in order to adequately service their needs? (Choose a suitable supply chain in your locality to justify your answer).
Materials Management : What will be your strategy of stores building if you are involved in business for import-export of sea food items?
What Is Fund Statement : Its purpose Sources and application of Fund Statement.
Prepare a Funds Statement showing the increase or decrease in working capital of an ancillary unit near your place of residence.
If you are the marketing manager of Titan quarts Bangalore, what are the steps you will taken to avoid the marketing myopia.
Suppose you are the production manager of a large factory manufacturing tyres for different types of vehicles. Describe elaborately with illustrations how you will do Materials Requirements Planning for the utmost benefit of the company
Which are the points you will keep in mind for recruiting new personnel into your organization if you are the H.R manager of a footwear manufacturing company?
Customers want efficient,accurate responses to their equerries.How can you or will you provide them with high quality service that they expect, as well as your need to control costs at the same time.
How are you going to provide your sales and customer service staff with the right customer information,in the right place at the right time/Take an example of any Telecom Service Provider to substantiate your answer.
As an Hrd manager what steps you will initiate before dismissing workmen found guilty of misconduct where there is a presence of a strong employee union.
What is Gross Margins? How will you successfully Manage it for the benefit of the retail outlets for which you are the chief Manager?
Imagine yourself as the Operations Manager of MRF, Chennai. How will you control the overall productivity and factorial productivity and which are the factors that influence productivity that you will keep in mind. Illustrate with real situations.
Explain the modalities of marketing and customer relations if you are to succeed as a marketing manager in a firm
Imagine yourself as the Sales Manager of a firm selling consumer products, which are the theories of selling which you will apply in boosting the sales. Substantiate with examples.

Elective- Industrial Safety Engineering

In a manufacturing plant of a global automotive company with headquarters in Pune, a large number of engineering activities are carried out in a wide range of areas. These activities include design, production of parts, assembly, testing, and quality assurance. Many of the manufacturing processes in the plant are performed using automated technologies and equipment. People also perform some of the manufacturing tasks and the plant employs over 400 workers. The decision on whether people or machines will be used for a particular task is dependent on many factors, including costs, time, quality and worker health and safety.
The plant considered here produces a many parts for vehicles and assembles them. Among the parts produced are engine materials and parts, pumps, fans, some exterior parts, and electronics components. The plant normally operates three shifts per day and has production lines including machining equipment, conveyers and overhead cranes, punch presses, and paint-spray booths.
The plant utilizes electricity and natural gas extensively.
A number of workers at the plant have over the last six months been subject to several different health problems. The following information has been received by the head engineer at the plant.
a) In an assembly area that was installed recently, workers have to bend to the ground throughout the day to attach several small parts onto a large and heavy vehicle component. Some workers have begun to develop lower back pain, likely due to the repetitive bending. The problem has become so severe for one of the workers that he has been told by his doctor to stay off work for two weeks so his back can recover. The manufacturing engineers who designed the assembly operation had wanted to use an automated system, but that option was deemed not to be economic. So they used a manual operation, but did not take into account industrial ergonomics, as they had no expertise in that discipline.
b) An increased incidence of respiratory illnesses has been reported over the last month by workers operating near the paint-spray booths. Many of the substances used in the booths (paints, solvents, etc.) are known to be causes of the observed respiratory illnesses. But the workers are not supposed to come into contact with any of the substances because the paint-spray booths are designed to ensure that all materials exit the plant through a high capacity ventilation system and that no materials can leak back into the plant. No tests had been carried out on the ventilation system, or on the air quality around the paint spray booths, so it is uncertain whether or not there have been any leaks into the plant from the paint-spray booths.
c) In an area of the plant where metal cutting occurs and workers use protective eyewear, workers have reported minor eye injuries. The area in question is one where it is common knowledge that the workers do not routinely use the protective eyewear. It is often observed to be hanging on nearby hooks or to be loosely hanging around the necks of workers. Workers complain that they find the protective eyewear uncomfortable and do not think it is needed or important. The plant manager knows of this behaviour but overlooks it, since enforcing the use of the protective eyewear seems may make the workers unhappy and, consequently, less productive. That, he feels, could render the plant non-competitive.


   a)      How would you go about investigating the causes of the observed health problems?

   b)      What are the unsafe conditions and acts in the plant?

   c)      Which of the unsafe conditions and acts identified in part b are (1) of a technical nature, or (2) related to human behavior or management?

   d)      What are some steps can be taken to rectify the health problems observed?

   e)      Should the head engineer Endeavour to rectify the health problems on her own, or should she report the problems to the plant manager beforehand? The head engineer is not sure if she will receive the support of the plant manager in rectifying the problems; what should she do if support is not provided?

   f)       Do you feel that some of the health problems that have occurred are due to worker health and safety being unduly compromised to allow the plant to be more productive or profitable?

Elective - Port and shipping management

For establishing a new port with the goal of creating a world-class port in India and indeed, it clearly has an edge over other Indian ports with respect to both infrastructure and performance. However, it suffers from some of the inherent drawbacks ailing the Indian port sector that can prevent it from achieving world standards in port efficiency. As the most modern among Indian ports, and also the one with the least labor problems, the natural choice as a test case in privatization of port operations. Discuss the key reforms needed for establishing such a port, w.r.t. their formulation and implementation. The process must be designed and optimally sequenced with active participation of a wide range of actors and capability to enhance efficiency of the public terminal through the introduction of intra-port competition and must succeed in earning the distinction of being the world largest container port.

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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