Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Management Information System - Examine the future thrusts and methodologies of Management Information Systems

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Management Information System (Part -1)

Explain the three basic elements  of  ‘MIS’ .

Explain the role of  MIS in an Organization, Planning & decision making.

Describe the basic composition of MIS that can be explained in terms of different approaches.

Explain the main features of a management information system in an organizational setup with various functions, importance, and relationship with planning, control and operations, indicating clearly what MIS is .

To upkeep the needs of management at various levels in a future data processing environment, there is an urgent need for a new directions systems, frequently referred to as DSS. Explain.

Explain the important aspects of Data Management .

Management Information System (Part -2)

Explain MIS approach to Industry production system.

Discuss planning and implementing of MIS for production.

Describe MIS applications in service industry .

Explain the future thrusts and methodologies of Management Information Systems.

The process of developing both management information system and programming systems have projected many pitfalls. What are they. Explain the pitfalls.

Explain the application of MIS in business. 

Management information System

Examine the future thrusts and methodologies of Management Information Systems.

Explain the role of Management Information System in Marketing Information System.

What are the emerging trends of MIS in fulfilling the objectives by scientific approach along with decision making and institutional experience with subjective knowledge?

What role has Computer and Data Management played in Management Information System?

Implementation of MIS in organization has transformed the organization to gear up to the challenges of production and decision making. Explain.

What is the role of MIS in an organization planning and decision making? Explain.

Management Information System

Explain the role of MIS in organization, its planning and decision making.

Explain the factors influencing successful use of MIS in an organization.

Discuss the factors contributing success and failure of MIS.

Write a descriptive account on Relational Database Management System.

Describe the essential characteristics of Decision Support System.

Explain the major problems in an Enterprise Resource Planning system Implementation


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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