Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Human Resources Management - Examine in detail the needs and benefits of Training Explain the different techniques of Recruitment

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Human Resources Management (Part – 1)

The effective management of performance is probably one of the biggest problems now facing organizations. Describe.

How is an effective Performance Appraisal ensured? Explain.

Explain the main on the job training techniques.

Explain the finer points on developing a strategy for Human Resource.

Describe the open socio-technical systems model for bringing changes in an organization.

Human Resources Management (Part – 2)

Discuss the Bill on Workers Participation in Management.

What are the types of strikes? Explain each type.

Describe the different penalities regarding strikes and lockouts.

Explain the factories Act, 1948.

What are the duties and liabilities of a registered Trade Union? Explain.

Discuss the various authorities constituted under Industrial Disputes Act for the settlement of Industrial Disputes.

Human Resources Management (Part – 1) 

Explain the main HRM activities.

What are the main reasons for undertaking Human resource planning in an organization? Explain.

Explain the principles and techniques of Job Analysis.

In identifying the need to recruit what issues are to be considered by an employer? Explain.

Explain the stages of the Performance Management process.

Explain the factors that affect a training requirement.

Human Resources Management (Part – 2)

Explain the Growth of labor legislation in India.

What are unfair labor practice and penalties? Explain.

Explain the Trade Union Movement in India.

What is the object and scope of Industrial Employment Act., 1946?Explain.

Explain the rules requiring approval, licensing and registration of factories.

Explain the provisions of working hours of adults in factories.


Explain the emerging role of Personnel Management.

Describe the steps in Human Resource Planning.

Explain the different sources and methods of Recruitment.

Explain Calendar preparation for training.

Explain the concept of Workers Participation in Management.

Explain the purposes and importance of Performance Appraisal

Human Resources Management

Explain the steps in Human Resource Planning.

What makes career planning a success? Explain.

What are the benefits of an MBO Programme? Explain.

Explain the pre requisites of a good recruitment policy.

Examine the need and benefits of Training

Describe the methods, techniques or tools for Appraising Performance.

Human Resources Management

What makes a Career Planning a success? Explain.

Describe the different forms of Worker Involvement in Quality Circle.

Write an essay on Human Resources Planning.

What is the purpose of Performance Appraisal? Explain.

Examine in detail the needs and benefits of Training.

Explain the different techniques of Recruitment.

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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