Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Marketing Management - Examine the basic principles of organization Design Explain the different Marketing Environments and the role of Culture and Subculture

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Marketing Management

1.          Examine the basic principles of organization Design.

2.         Explain the different Marketing Environments and the role of Culture and Subculture.

3.         Explain the importance of consumer behavior for marketers.

4.         Describe the techniques and methods for designing Organization Structure.

5.         What is the role of Consumer Behavior in marketing? Explain.

6.         What are the basic principles of organization Design? Explain the techniques and methods for designing Organization structure.

Marketing Management (Part – 1)

Marketing management is a business discipline focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm’s marketing resources and activities. Explain.

Explain building brands through promotional measures.

What are the probable consequences of a protracted price war? Explain giving examples.

Explain the steps involved in a positioning process.

What are the precautions needed for guarding against product/brand failure? Explain.

Discuss the symptoms (according to prof. Levit) myopia can acquire in marketing.

Elective: Marketing Management (Part – 2)

How is a business success determined? Explain.

What are the factors outside the firm that affects the operations of a business? Explain with the help of figure?

Explain the principal sources from which data is obtained in Market Research.

Discuss the policies of price determination.

Explain the sales strategies in management of sales

What is Merchandising? Explain


Explain the modern developments in the concept and practice of marketing.

Explain the meaning and relevance of Marketing Environment.

Explain the procedure in Marketing Planning.

Discuss the basic principles of an organization design.

Explain pricing policy.

Discuss how will you select the appropriate media for advertisement.

Marketing Management

What are the types of companies that pass through several stages of business orientation before fully adopting the marketing concept?

What are the important areas of management and business, both the marketing concept itself and as a result, the practices of marketing management have continued to evolve and develop?

What are the different marketing environments and their role of culture and sub culture?

What are the various marketing procedures that happen at various product levels?

Examine in detail the concept and importance of Service Marketing today.

Explain the various aspects of Recruitment.

Marketing Management

Write an essay on the Promotion Strategy in marketing.

Explain the different Marketing Environments and the role of Culture and Subculture.

Discuss in detail the unique characteristics of Service Marketing.

What is a Consumer Decision Process? Explain.

How is an Advertisement Copy developed? Explain.

Describe Branding Decisions and functions.

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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